Course Description
Learn and practice ancient ceremonies
Intuitively work with plant allies
Tap into the akashic field of nature
Journey the timelines using the power of the drum
Experience the ancient art of journeying
Activate the mystical brain
Deepen your connection to the Shumann resonance and generating energy of the earth
Consciously connect with Gaia, the ancestors of the land, sacred sites and energy vortexes
Reignite the gifts of your ancestors
Heal and activate your personal legend
Embody unity consciousness and the 3rd shushumna wave
Mend the broken lines of the matrix
Create your personal bioscalar activation
Learn to use sacred tools and instruments
Travel the ley lines of the earth and connect with the earth chakra's
Rhythmically track and clear energetic imprints and cut energetic cords
Understand the luminous energy field in all things
Dream a new world into being
Course Schedule
Location TBD, 11am-5pm, all welcome
Saturday September 7th
Day 1:
Enhance your knowledge of shamanic sound tools Using tools for healing the earth
Ritual and tools for ceremony
Natural Law
​Sunday September 8th
Day 2:
Identifying and harvesting plant allies
Crafting your own medicine
Crystals and stones
Listening, intuition & instinct
Svaha Academy, 12-6, all welcome
Sunday October 20th
​Strengthen your connection to animal and spirit guides
Discover plant allies that expand your consciousness
Learn to open portals and travel the timelines
Work with your most healed ancestors
Learn to bring others through a healing
Journey for self, community and the earth
Develop the ability to interpret your journey experiences
​Sva Ha Academy, 10:30-4:30
Sunday December 29th
Honor, manifest, celebrate and harness energy through the art of ritual
Weave the essential elements into ceremony
Discover native herbs used for offerings, intention setting and healing
Steward the land
Work with your mesa bundle
Conduct ceremony with your own animal and spirit allies
​Shamanic Tools: Accessing Deeper Connections and Healing
Journeywork: Deepen Connections with personal guides and plant allies
Practicing Ceremony: Rituals for life and land

Sva Ha Yoga & Synergy of Sound Training Academy
675 Orchard Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
2nd Floor*
Time: 12-6
Class time and location may change depending on the teachings.
*Part 2 classes require prerequisites. Please contact one of us to see if you can attend.
Program Cost $1500 or $150/class
You can also text Sarah 508-728-5762
or Paula 508-863-0190 to register